Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Ode to Camp

We were all so young back then,
I picture us in our shorts, our jeans, our ponytails and
Camp dreams.
Some of us so innocent
Yet some of us had already lived a lifetime
At birth.
Although I'm not that much older,
I look back on those times,
Feeling like an adult looking on childhood.
For that time was before I knew,
Before I sought,
And before I questioned.
It's not that I feel Old.
It's just that,
I'm older.
Aren't we all?
Joy, fear, sorrow, passion, and friendship,
All mixed up into fast, hot summers.
The tears mingled with the shouted songs,
The crazy dances and
even crazier skits.
It was a time of innocence for myself,
Mixed in a time of struggle.
In the meantime, up goes the bell tower.
And I remember,
I was there.
We all were.
And even if we will all soon be forgotten,
Our footsteps crossed,
Our lives touched,
And each smile and tear
I witnessed and was given,
Fills my heart.
Although sometimes now
I wonder about God.
I treasure and believe
God mixed our lives together.
Surely we all take different paths,
Some never leaving our God and our faith.
Some wondering miles and miles away.
And always some stuck somewhere in between.
Whatever the path,
I am so thankful.
For our jeans, our shorts, our ponytails,
And Camp Dreams.
I have met a patchwork of people,
Whose paths will always lead
The world to a better place,
Whether or not they've left
the path of faith,
That led us,
To get all mixed up.
It wasn't all a Dream.
Thank you,
For being who you are,
Former and current camp leaders
Maintenance People
Kitchen Staff
Day Camp Staff
Everyone else.
May your lights and passion keep shining,
Whichever path you have chosen.

1 comment:

Tanya K. Kearns, M.A. said...

this was beautiful. thank you for bringing me back to that place.