Wednesday, November 18, 2009

The Yuck Factor

I am utterly convinced the room I work in is a




It's amazing how you can use all these anti-bacterial things and bleach solutions and sanitizer, and the next day another person who either works there, or is dropped off there, is vomiting.


I know the spreading of the flu virus is expected. I mean, I'm in a room where fingers tend to wander toward the nose and mouth. Yet, there is a dim, hopeful part of me thinking that maybe, at least one of us will escape. ( I haven't).

In any case. That's been my feeling. Like you could show me in a special camerea that would reveal all the bacteria I'm carrying around and my whole body would light up like a Christmas tree! OK

So maybe I'm paranoid. I wash my hands constantly. I shower. You know. I'm clean. But as another kid goes down with it, and I myself am exposed AGAIN to it, it's hard to believe there aren't at least some microscopic germy thingys on me.

Long Sigh. OK. That's it.


You may get sick! ha. Good luck this cold and flu season!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...


I know!

Sickness is rampant. I HATE GERMS. I carry hand sanitizer in my pocket.