Sunday, February 14, 2010

Car Accident on the Avenue

Car Accident on the Avenue

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I've been thinking a lot lately along these lines, death is as close as our next breath. If you have the time to follow the link it's a picture of a totaled car in which some of my family members were traveling. Amazingly, they are both as OK as they can possibly be in the circumstances.

However, death could have come a calling in this situation. I also have been thinking death is probably most difficult for us left behind. We're left with the pain, the heartache, the hole, and without the person that was special to us and loved us. The person who died, well, I suppose maybe once you're dead, that's that.

Ironically or perhaps miraculously these two family members are the same ones who drove me to Des Moines when my mother was in the ICU. It seems somewhat unfair and it's difficult to think that now they are in the ICU. In case you have never visited anyone in the ICU, once you do, you will never forget how heart-breaking it is to see someone you love in such condition. All you want to do is pick them up, wrap them in your arms, and take them away from the machines and the cold sterile room and take them somewhere warm and safe. Take them home.

Dwelling on things such as these is heavy duty. Yet the death-rate is 100%. Eventually.

Sometimes I yearn so much that I could just have my time be up. I still believe in heaven. I still believe I will be held in the arms of God. I still believe I will see my Mom again. This is why I yearn to be there. Sometimes. Especially on days when I am reminded how close death is.

In any case. It's another contemplative day.

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