Wednesday, June 10, 2009


Tonight I went and watched another terrible movie with a friend. I will not name the movie unless so asked.

And upon arriving, my friend tells me she has bought something for me b/c she thought of me. Awe. That's kinda nice right?

Full of curiosity (especially since my last gift from a friend happened to be a recorded song) I asked her what it was.

Steak-flavored potatoe chips!!!!!!

Not even kidding. Totally taste like steak! And I. Love. Steak.


Although, I do have to add that it's weird to eat something that tastes like steak and yet is crunchy instead of chewy gooey meatness. Odd.

Question of the Day Which Has No Good Response:

Can you give yourself fully to someone without losing yourself at the same time?

So far: No firm conclusions. Just a realization that this at least is my fear. I don't want to lose myself. My identity. My personality. I don't want to live my life for another, just with another. Is there a difference? When does wanting to live with another, turn into living for another? Would I lose my passions to gain a great love? Or, does my love simply become an additional passion? Talk about confusing. I wish I had thought about all of these things before. They are important.


Luke said...

You should ask Krystal that question... it's definitely something she's asked before!

Tanya K. Kearns, M.A. said...

good question.
this is what im learning.
it is completely unhealthy to lose yourself in another person. to lose your identity, your personality.
as my therapist put it: a healthy relationship is two separate, unique individuals living their lives together.
i think u pin pointed it when u said you dont want to live your life for another, but with another. right on!
if you lose your passions, you lose. i dont know that i believe you will gain even a great love. you would probably gain a loss of self and i think that would be a difficult to relationship to give and recieve love in.

you are right. these are important questions. more than i never knew. but finding out what i believe about them and understanding more about myself, about independence in relationships, and setting healthy boundaries has been the best thing to happen to me in years.

i think the question to maybe be asking is "how close can i be and still be myself, be different and not have to be or do what the other person wants me to be or do?" and "how close can i be and allow the other person to be different than me?"

i think i used to believe that in order for relationships to work, the two involoved had to be the same. had to be molded together, become one. one mind. one spirit, etc. but im finding that the most beautiful relationships are ones where the individuals are different and see those differences as making them stronger. as learning from one another. that they dont have to like the same things, do the same things, think the same things. they embrace their differences and even encourage them.

well, im rambling. these are just my thoughts. things that are growing and changing in me