Tuesday, August 26, 2008

The Children Have Arrived!

The kids came yesterday. 

Awe. I loved them right away. Many of them have a wonderful Hispanic accent, a reflection of the beauty of other tongues and tribes.

I got to read aloud to them today and found myself sad that I wasn't scheduled to teach the rest of the day. 

I can't wait to teach them all day long! In watching my teacher I have been learning so much, but at the same time so much of it is what I already know. 

Although I am loving this experience, a part of me wants to push the fast forward button. Where I am married and teaching full-time, man. It's so close I can almost taste this period of my life riding on the edge of this semester.

Yet, there's something about living with my aunt. Because my mom died a few years ago, it's been hard to struggle through those things that come with moving on without a mother. And I am beginning to see that in my relationship with my aunt, I am able to get just a tiny picture of what it would be like with my mom. These things tell me this is an important time for me. 

My passion to love and teach children has been ignited full force and each day I get excited all over again about being a teacher. I've been preparing for this time for four years. It's so great to be actually so close to doing it.

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