Sunday, August 24, 2008

Church Day

People who are passionate about going....
Who are passionate about those other churches choose to avoid..or see on skewed terms
Who are passionate about loving, rather than hating
People who are determined to GO into their community, rather than drag other people into a church building.

I didn't realize how thirsty my soul was for living to love those others label as worth less, and worthless. I drank deep from the well of passion today from a pastor who was honest with us and himself about how strands of stereotypes slip into his judgments of others. His words ran over me and I realized I had found the people, the Christians, I have been looking for. Those who choose to love. Because Christ first loved.


Anonymous said...


that sounds amazing..

Adventures in Preschool said...

oh my gosh, aj, that very same day i was so cynical of "church", i was just about to give up on all things church. it was like God telling me not to give up on His people. i felt so much better after hearing the sermon, because it was so so focused on LOVE. And the pastor was SO humble. SO humble. man, it's cool how it came at just the right time.