Tuesday, July 14, 2009

The Awakening

My very favorite part of my day at work happens a bit before I leave.

We put all the little ones down for a nap in the afternoons. No, this is not my favorite part of the day, although it makes for a good lunch break.

My very favorite part of the day is the awakening. It is when the little ones open their sleepy eyes and are refreshed and lovely. I don't know why, but seeing their little faces after a good nap and saying, awe, did you just wake up? "Yup" Can I have a good morning hug? "yup". After which little arms wrap around me and cute sleepy smiles are had.

There is so much joy in this simple time. I am in SUCH a GREAT mood when I leave because I got to see all their little faces come awake and alive. They are lovely little ones. Their little hugs and smiles bring peace and awe to my spirit. These are the untainted ones. The ones who still have to learn that this world can be a hard and unloving place. They trust others to hold their little hands. They trust nothing will happen to them as they lay on their little cots and sleep. I'm beginning to enjoy their little hugs, how they slide into your lap unnoticed, how they assume you have all the love in the world to give them, how they have all the love in the world to give.

I love the awakening! ( :

"Can I have a hug?"



Anonymous said...

aw jill... that's soooooo cute!

omygosh... i just pictured you giving little hugs and actually liking it.. and it was adorable!

Adventures in Preschool said...

I DO love little hugs! More than I EVER thought possible. I'm considering going back to school so I can be guaranteed little hugs always!