Sunday, December 14, 2008

It was Worth It

I know sometimes I feel like ranting and raving about the church. About how sometimes they get things so wrong.

But in truth, I was reminded today of how much of a blessing it is to have a community of people with which to wrestle through life. As I attended my last church here, I felt so very blessed. These people have made a huge impact on me and I am so grateful for their acceptance of me.

I came here with a lot of questions and a lot of frustrations about the church in general. Here, I found a community focused on reaching out instead of judging. It was and is about love.

I know I have a family here.

Today I realized that these people. The people in my lifegroup, the coffee shop, the Friday night music....they made it all worth it. This semester was hard, but I wouldn't trade it for anything. I met and got to know some beautiful souls. They made me laugh, they sometimes came so weary about life, but we were there together. It was beautiful.

Thank you Confluence and the River Church.

You will always be part of who I am and have written unforgettable lessons on my heart.

The church can be an easy thing to run from. This place made it hard to be determined to walk away.

1 comment:

Brian Leimone said...

I'm serious about that Mint Chocolate Chip - don't forget to stop by before you leave!

Thanks for these encouraging word!