Monday, December 8, 2008


We are all over the place
Our blood is spilling out
We see who we are
And we want to only walk away.
I've cried a thousand tears
And am destined to cry a thousand more
My heart is cut in two
As you are cut in two.
O God
Must you leave us like this?
In this empty painful place?
I am weary.
My heart grows heavier
With the pain of others.
I weep with the tears of the prophets
Who looked upon their people.
And experienced the sorrow of a thousand hearts.
Who am I that you have even looked my way?
It's all broken.
Wholeness is a tale of heaven.
I am
Who am I that you have even looked my way?

Our lives are just broken pieces.
And so we take the broom
As our tears wet the floor
We sweep up the pieces
And we stare at our lives in our hands.
The pieces slip through our fingers and into the past.
The cracks in the glass
Cause it to shatter
We are in the corner,
Cut and bleeding.
These are Your children.
Maybe we just weren't meant to be
This way
I cry out with the shouts of a thousand broken hearts.
Our tears run over as the pieces float away.
And again wholeness seems to be a tale of heaven.

1 comment:

Tanya K. Kearns, M.A. said...

once again, your words have hit me with much depth and i am in awe. thanks for feeling with those who hurt. it takes courage, strength and love. thank you.