Monday, February 2, 2009


Paul and I are learning to squeeze in time together around our schedules.

It's very interesting how easy it is to say we are busy when in reality,

We tend to have thousands of free moments dedicated to doing nothing that we just really never knew about.

My first fears about not being able to spend time with him have been waylaid by seeing how much a difference stopping by his work briefly can make in keeping us connected and updated. Or even how much talk and time can be magnified when used wisely together. Even him calling while he's at work every night makes a difference.

In other news: Today I taught high school Spanish. I must admit that I did enjoy certain parts of it. However, I'm growing weary of feeling like the stranger in the classroom. I keep reminding myself that the actual teaching thing is not anything like substitute teaching. Subbing is interesting. And I'm learning a lot. Yet chillin with different kids and a certain level of unpredictability to each day tends to become wearying. Yet push on I shall.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Aw Jillo--

I'm proud of you for squeezing in time. So mature. So grown-up. Aww....

And hey, subbing is just getting you by for now, and broadening your experiences to when you finally have your own classroom you will be that much BETTER of a teacher! It's like practice you're getting PAID for! Finally!

Enjoy the paychecks, and bask in the unpredictability. And when the days seem to get the best of you from all the shuffling and strangeness, just remember: you graduated.

ha.. and good job by the way. I love that I get to see you walk through so much, and feel honored to be your friend Jill.

have a good one,
