Friday, May 1, 2009

The Search

The search has been on for quite some time now. I have labeled myself "substitute teacher". That's right. I'm the kinda teacher you used to play tricks on in elementary school when your regular teacher wasn't there.

Sometimes I'm really nice to the kids just to see if it works. However, usually I have to show my mean side so they don't think I won't put my foot down.

I have been applying to many different districts around the area hoping that someone will give me a chance. Sometimes it's really frustrating and I get exasperated.

I know I can do it.

My fiance has also been job searching, otherwise he's stuck with a internship that would only pay half what his starting salary would usually be. So far he's had one interview and will be interviewing with someone else.

In my department my interviews total to...da da da....One screening interview!

Until today.

Today I have an interview in my hometown for my dream job. A Spanish Teaching Elementary job. At my former elementary school. Could it get anymore ironic? Yes. The principal was my fourth grade teacher.

I say dream job because Spanish has been something that I enjoy, that I hope to use, and hope to teach. With my degree I can teach Spanish in grades K-8. At this school I'd be like the music teacher in that I'd go around and teach a half-hour Spanish lesson and then move onto the next group.

Can you picture little kids running in place while I say, "correr"? Or saying "hola"

Ha. I can.

Hopefully my former fourth grade teacher can too!

1 comment:

Tanya K. Kearns, M.A. said...

im on the edge of my seat here... how did it go?